Tag Archives: Raleigh

Easy as Pie: Dinner at Piebird

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There’s something about winter that just makes you want to hole up and hibernate. I have never been one for cold weather and even the mild winters in Raleigh have me bundled up like Ralphie’s brother in “A Christmas Story.” It’s no surprise then that I turn to homey comfort foods in the winter; lots of soups, stews, and pot pie. We have heard about the delicious desserts at Piebird (618 N. Person St Raleigh, NC 27604) for a while, but I needed a piping hot pot pie on a particular chilly night. Continue reading

Fair Play: 2011 NC State Fair

It’s here! It’s here! Ask anyone in Raleigh what they are doing from 10/13-10/23 and you’ll get one answer: I’m going to the fair! Matt and I look forward to the fair every year. We have our favorite haunts (Oddities tent, anyone?) and always find something new to discover. Continue reading

Everything’s Better Deep-fried: NC State Fair 2011

Make Us the Deep Fried Ambassadors – My Fair Ladies: Kamikaze Edition

If one Deep Fried Ambassador is good, imagine how tasty 3 would be! Introducing the blogging trio “My Fair Ladies”.

Giving you three unique perspectives on the 2011 NC State Fair, we three fabulous ladies will cover the full gamut of food, rides, entertainment, competitions, exhibits and fun “only at the Fair” odd bits. Telling the story through photos, videos and, of course, wildly entertaining words, this gaggle of gals is sure to make everyone want to come out to the Fair.

  • Kamikaze – aka Becca – “Julia” of RDUGonnaEatthat – Nothing stops this Fair enthusiast. No food will be left uneaten, no ride unridden. Put a plate before her and she will devour it. Beat: Food & Rides
  • Fairly Odd – aka Dawn A Crawford– Fun just got a little funky at the State Fair. Get a backstage look at the music, the best of our state’s produce and livestock and side-shows. Exploring the entertaining, wacky and downright odd parts of the Fair. Beat: Competitions & Entertainment
  • The Wrangler – aka Valentina Garcia-Gerdes – Armed with sunscreen, family meet-up points and a purse of non-sugary snacks, this mom knows how to make the Fair fun for all ages. Beat: Family Activities & Exhibits

And here is my story of why I want to be a Deep Fried Ambassador:

It’s that time of year; I’ve been spinning in my desk chair for hours to prepare for the Gravitron, pouring powdered sugar on everything I eat, and studying about the differences between a Charolais and a Red Angus. It must be State Fair time.

The State Fair is like the leaves changing color, when I see the ads for it, I know that Fall is here. It’s a great way to start the season; walking in the crisp air, seeing the sights, snacking on an oversized turkey leg….or two. Ever since I moved to North Carolina, the State Fair has been one of the things I look forward to the most out of the year. It’s been great to see a whole community come out and experience something together.

What grabbed my attention the most when I started going to the Fair was of course, the food. I am a sucker for anything deep-fried, sugary, meaty, and bacony. Really, only at the Fair would I be able to find something to snack on that incorporates all of that (Krispe Kreme burgers and chocolate covered bacon, anyone?) Even when the crazy experiments don’t work out (*cough*redKool-Aidpickles) I know there’s something awesome around the next corner.

What goes better with a stomach full of snacks than a few roller coasters? I’ve always been a bit of a ride-freak and the State Fair is my favorite time to let loose. The faster, the higher, the dizzier, the better.  I try to hit everything, from the fun houses to the classic Ferris Wheel. That scream you hear from the top of every ride? It’s probably me.

Even better than the food and the rides though is the time I get to spend with my friends and family there. One of the highlights of the Fair one year for me was simply playing ping-pong bingo with my parents until we ran out of quarters. There always something to talk or laugh about and going over my pictures of years past brings back a ton of happy memories. Going through my pictures and seeing the sometimes crazy sights again is already getting me revved up for this year.

As the “Kamikaze” member of my trio of adventuring ladies, I pledge to leave no Ferris Wheel un-ridden, no Oreo un-fried, no Ghost House un-screamed! I embrace the State Fair experience and can’t wait to see everyone there.

Out to the Market

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When it comes to Brunch, it’s almost like a contact sport trying to beat the crowds in Raleigh (I must have sports on the brain, it is Super Bowl Sunday after all). If you don’t make that golden hour between church crowds and late Sunday risers, you could be waiting a long, long time for your pancakes. Add a hip little restaurant opening its doors for Brunch for the first time and you can see the dilemma. Luckily for Market (938 N. Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27604), the food is so good, I would have waited a whole day for it.

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Adventures in Home Cooking: Italian Sausage with beans and tarragon

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In case you haven’t noticed by the lagging number of blog posts, it’s already been a hectic holiday season. After a quick scan of the calendar, every weekend is filled with preparations, get-togethers, work functions, etc. So, the problem is what to do when you get home. My first instinct when I get home is to crash, throw on Netflix, and throw myself at a bag of chips until I fall asleep. Not exactly creative, so I’m trying to grab inspiration wherever I can get it, even if it means embracing ingredients that normally don’t scream “delicious!” to me.

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Pigging out at Chubby’s Tacos

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You can’t have everything in life I guess. I gave up on being the world’s first ballerina/private eye/scientist and I know I won’t win the lottery any time soon. But, is it so much to ask for decent, fresh Mexican food that doesn’t costs an arm and a leg? Everyone raves about Dos Taquitos, and deservedly so, but for budgetary reason, I can’t go there for a taco fix every time I want. Meanwhile, cheap Mexican restaurants are a dime a dozen, but unless you love cement-like refried beans and brown lettuce, it’s not very satisfying. With this in mind, despite hearing how awesome Chubby’s Tacos was (our pal Demandy is a fan), I was going in with very low expectations.

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Beer Revolution at Roth Brewing Company

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In case you couldn’t tell, Tony and I enjoy a good beer now and then. When we moved to Raleigh, we had no clue that this area was a micro-brew paradise. There’s some awesome local brews in the area and I am very pleased to welcome Roth Brewing Company (5907 Triangle Drive, Raleigh, NC 27617) to the family.

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Adventures in Home Cooking: Steak in Red Wine Sauce

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One of the few drawbacks to living in an apartment is the fact that we don’t have regular access to a Grill. The communal Grill is a block and a half away and not conducive to private grilling sessions. I’ve had to look longingly at grilled recipes, especially when they call for steak. However, a lot of indoor cooking recipes for red meat fall in the “put in a pot, let stew for three hours,” which isn’t exactly light summer fare. But sometimes, the need for a piece of red meat knows no bounds.

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Real Southern Comfort: Cheerwine Doughnuts

I grew up not too far away from the border of NC, so it amazes me that I lived so close, yet never had a cheerwine. So many wasted years…. Cheerwine is just one of those things that I think of when I think of North Carolina now. And in the world of breakfast pastries, Krispe Kreme stands head and shoulders above everything else, at least to my fellow Southerners and I. So when Tony uttered the four most magical words to me, “Cheerwine Krispe Kreme Doughnuts,” how could I resist?

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You scream, we all scream for Fresh.

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Growing up in suburban Virginia, summertime meant late nights hanging outside of the local Dairy Queen. Not so much for the ice cream,  but to be seen by other awkward teenagers. But, everyone knew that for actual ice cream, you drove down to Bergey’s Dairy farm for the richest, creamiest frozen treat you could ever find. When I moved away and heard that due to financial woes and health department codes, Bergey’s had to shut down, I felt like a part of my youth was gone. Since then, I haven’t had much interest in ice cream, who could compete?

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